Unusual Mounts

Image Name Price Description
Steeder Steeder 600gp (non-combat), 1,200gp (combat) Steeders, also known as surface steeders, were created by good mages during the war to counter the drow steeder cavalry, who rode giant spiders. These magical cross-breeds of horses and giant spiders have horse-like bodies with eight spidery legs, allowing them to traverse difficult terrain. They can attack with their legs, shoot web strands, and climb steep surfaces. Due to their unique body shape, standard horse barding doesn’t fit them, and custom barding is expensive. Riders use special saddles to stay secure during climbs. Steeders can spin webs for protection and are always alert, even when sleeping. They are herbivorous and lack the venomous bite of giant spiders. Steeders mate once, producing two eggs that hatch into colts, which mature into full-grown steeders in a year.
Sand Runner Sand Runner 500gp, 750gp (war-trained) Sand runners are extremely thin, long-legged horses of great speed and reliability-the “greyhounds” of the horse world. They are of particular value in far flung kingdoms, as they swim well, never get lost, and can travel without a rider to a known destination. They are also sufficiently intelligent to learn simple commands and even recognize one or two simple symbols, such as a coat of arms. Thus, their allegiance can be extended to everyone in a certain group who knows the proper commands or signs. Sand runners serve any kind masters and have no particular racial preferences. They dislike barding. Sand runners like magic and are not afraid of most spells, but they are terrified of fire and all firelike effects. Wild sand runners travel in swift packs and are hard to catch. Once captured, they are skittish but easily trained. They can be bred, but horse/sand runner combinations always result in fair-quality standard horses. Sand runners are rather weak in melee and prefer to run from trouble, but they can be trained for combat much as normal horses of good quality. However, sand runner are forced to the fringes of battle even by light war horses and are certainly no match for medium and heavy horses. Sand runners prefer deserts, plains, and other hot, dry regions, but are reasonably tolerant of all climates and weather with the exception of rain. They are slow and troublesome on wet days. Sand runners have very good endurance, being able to travel up to 15 hours per day with ease, and require only three-fourths the water required by normal horses. Stallions (uncut adult males) are capable of bursts of speed of 80 feet. They can do this once a day for up to 30 minutes. Sand runner have large, flaring nostrils and small, double-lidded eyes in thin heads. They are bony, with long, hairy tales and manes and large hooves. They range from butter yellow to golden brown in color and often have bands and stripes in dark brown or reddish-brown. Sand runners are usually about 15 hands at the withers. They eat a normal horse diet and live up to 25 years.
Bahtel Bahtel 500gp, 1,000gp (war-trained) Bahtel, also known as berserker horses, are large, powerful horses renowned for their aggressive behavior in combat. They have thicker legs and stronger bones than normal horses, making them more resilient. In battle, bahtel can bite with their strong jaws, kick with their front hooves, and use their bony foreheads to butt opponents. They can also kick with their rear hooves for significant damage, and opponents hit by these kicks must make a dexterity check or be knocked down. Bahtel rarely panic in battle, but they will retreat if wounded and facing poor odds.
    Riding a bahtel requires skill, as their wild bucking and twisting can easily throw unskilled riders. Only partial actions can be made from the back of a bucking bahtel, and spell-casting is nearly impossible. Bahtel can wear any barding and normal saddles, but they need special bitless bridles due to their large jaws. They are not particularly loyal, usually following whoever feeds them best, but they show preference for skilled and aggressive riders.
    Bahtel are omnivorous, with a diet of grasses, fruits, eggs, small mammals, insects, and lizards. They prefer hot, wet regions and take extra damage from cold-based attacks. Bahtel are difficult to catch alive and have very good eyesight. Females are larger and stronger than males, and all bahtel have short, broad bodies with thick, muscular legs and long, flexible necks. They are usually striped in wide, vertical bands of gray, white, or black, and have no manes. Bahtel mature in one year and live up to 12 years.
Vuhr Vuhr 250gp (non-combat), 500gp (combat) Vuhr are extremely strong and sure-footed. They are quiet, placid creatures, valuable for their ability to carry heavy loads virtually anywhere. However, they are slow and not strong in combat. Being of animal intelligence, they recognize only good treatment and food, although they do have some rider loyalty.  vuhr are very tractable, easily-trained beasts are usually calm and trustworthy. They are less nervous than horses.  vuhr dislike dwarves but otherwise enjoy the smaller demi-humans, who find  vuhr vastly amusing and can triple up when riding the larger specimens. They are easy to catch and breed (only among them-selves) and are fairly disease-resistant.  Vuhr are comfortable in temperate regions, where they roam in small herds, often in rocky uplands.  vuhr are very distantly related to horses.  vuhr are generally the size and weight of heavy war horses but can carry significantly more than any horse and can climb even steep grades with large loads.  vuhr will enter cave mouths but are terribly claustrophobic and never willingly enter any sort of enclosed space other than a stable. In melee,  vuhr can attack opponents only directly ahead or just to the side. They attack on the second and succeeding rounds of any melee.  vuhr let out a tremendous bellow when they are wounded and when charging into a fight. Anyone directly in front of the beast at this moment must make a will save at DC 10 or lose 1d4 initiative on the following melee round.  vuhr are very faithful to masters who treat them well, and they stay at the sides of their dismounted riders until they are driven off or one of them is killed. Other than their roaring and great strength, a  vuhr’s only special skill is the ability to smell poisonous substances. The  vuhr can smell poison at 1’ distance, only if there are no other strong smells present. Thus, a poison mixed in with a complete, odorous meal would escape the  vuhr, but one in a glass of white wine would not.  vuhr require only normal saddles and other tack. They can be fitted with barding at 150% of the usual cost. They are herbi vuhres and like most good grasses and feeds. Male  vuhr are larger than females and have a 60% chance of having six legs instead of four. Those with six legs are the largest and strongest, gaining +2 hp per hit die. Females have a 20% chance of six legs, with six-legged specimens receiving + 1 hp per hit die.  vuhr mounts are tall (16-17 hands), heavy, orange or red beasts with thin, handsome faces and large ears. They have large, hard hooves that help them climb in steep and stony areas. They each have horns son the sides of their head and hairy tails and manes, and live up to 30 years.
Bounder Bounder 400gp (non-combat), 750gp (combat) The bounder is a reptillian riding beast, bred in the cities for its incredible strength. It is used in groups for pulling large wagons and individually as a war mount. Many bounders have escaped into the wilderness, where they have integrated with wild herds. The bounder is a bipedal lizard. Its hind legs are thick and broad to support itself and a considerable load even on loose sand or gravel. The forelimbs are long but not especially strong. The claws are naturally sharp but are often filed to points or even shod with metal blades for battle. The bounder’s back, the back of its neck, and the top of its head and face are covered with thick scales, while its underbelly and throat have softer, leathery scales. Bounder can be any of a variety of colors, from light brown and sandy yellow to deep green approaching black. Generally, the harder scales are a darker color than the softer ones. Bounder have long tongues and they have an unfortunate tendency to drool . The bounder communicates with other of its kind with snorts that convey very basic concepts. In individual combat, a bounder can make five separate attacks: one bite, two foreclaws, and two hindclaws. When carrying a rider or pulling a load, the bounder cannot bring its hindclaws into play. A bite inflicts 1d10 hp damage; foreclaws inflict 1d6 hp damage each; and the powerful hindclaws can inflict 1d8 hp damage each. Bounders specially prepared for combat may have bladed foreclaws or armor. Bladed foreclaws increase the damage by one point (1d6 + 1). Some riders have even had the blades enchanted or blessed to enhance their mounts’ combat effectiveness. Domestic bounders can be found in cities and on caravan routes. Special pens, maintained for crossbreeding to continue the line, are owned by noble families and merchant houses, even by the queen herself. Many bounders have escaped captivity and returned to the wild, either running off from caravans or slipping away riderless after a large battle.
Battle Bird Battle Bird 300gp (non-combat), 650gp (combat) Also known as axe beaks, they are large flightless birds related to the ostrich. The battle bird stands 10 feet tall and weighs 500 pounds. The animal’s small head and gigantic beak are perched atop a long neck. If forced to fight, a battle bird uses its legs to deliver a kick that inflicts 1d8 points of damage and a massive bite attack that does 1d12. Battle birds are fearless, stupid, and require lots of supervision. They are not very strong and prefer unarmored or small riders. They absolutely refuse to move if encumbered. However, they are swift on their feet, can run faster than most horses, can fight in smaller areas, and can outmaneuver other mounts in combat. Halfling and gnomish riders favor battle birds. They lay huge eggs yearly and tend to watch over and feed their young. Axe beaks are omnivorous, preying on smaller creatures and eating grasses and berries in the wild. In captivity, they happily eat leftovers, table scraps, and anything else they can get their beak around.
Blue Cat Blue Cat 750gp (non-combat), 1,500gp (combat) The blue cat is the largest and most feared of the great cats. Blue Cats have light blue fur, dark vertical stripes, and two large twisting horns on their heads. They can leap 10 feet upward, and spring forward 30 feet to 50 feet to attack. This species ranges from the subarctic to the tropics, generally inhabiting wooded or covered terrain. Blue Cats are nocturnal, solitary, graceful climbers and swimmers who are capable of sustained high speed. These animals rarely fight among themselves, but will protect their territories ferociously. Their fa vuhrite prey includes cattle, wild pigs and deer. Females raise their 1-3 cubs alone. The cubs remain with their mother for several years. In the untamed wilderness, the Blue Cat occupies the top predatory niche. In captivity, they make faithful mounts, protecting their rider with the ferocity of a demon. However, if they are mistreated, they will turn on their owners. They can carry moderate loads, but prefer medium sized unarmored riders. They will not accept barding heavier than leather. They are quite intelligent and can carry out many simple commands with out supervision. They are the favored mounts of many barbarian tribes.
Roaks Roaks 250gp (non-combat), 500gp (combat) Roaks are giant beetles, similar to their more ordinary counterparts, but thousands of times larger—with chewing mandibles and hard wings that provide substantial armor protection. Roaks have two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs. Fortunately, the wings of a roak cannot be used to fly, and its six bristly legs do not enable it to move faster than a mule. While their shells protect roaks as well as plate mail armor, it is difficult to craft armor from them, and a skilled alchemist would need to be brought in on the job. Roaks are basically unintelligent and always hungry. They will feed on virtually any form of organic material, including other sorts of beetles. They taste matter with their antennae, or feelers; if a substance tasted is organic, the beetle grasps it with its mandibles, crushes it, and eats it. Because of the thorough grinding of the mandibles, nothing eaten by giant beetles can be revived by anything short of a wish. Beetles do not hear or see well, and rely primarily on taste and feel. Unlike other giant beetles, Roaks are social animals with a herd mentality. Wild roaks are about as common as a wild cow, as they have been thoroughly domesticated. They are raised as mounts because they are basically fearless, obey commands absolutely (although they are not very smart), and can carry huge loads. They are also raised for food as they yield a high protein meat, that tastes a bit like rancid oatmeal (half-orcs and goblinoids love the stuff). Roaks are useless in northern climates because when the temperature reaches freezing, roaks immediately go into a suspended animation, where they do not move, eat, grow, or do much of anything. They are sluggish in cold weather (under 55 degrees Fahrenheit) and act as if under the affects of a slow spell.
Kairuku Kairuku 150gp (non-combat), 300gp (combat) Large flocks of kairuku dominate the icy shorelines, with the birds both strutting along the shore and diving beneath the waves. In areas where they are unmolested by humanoids, they can be quite tame unless their breeding grounds are disturbed. They have an unfortunate habit of stealing shiny objects. A humanoid bearing something of interest may be mobbed by an entire flock.
Kairuku feed mostly on large fish and squid. In turn they are prey for many larger creatures. They may also be found feeding on carrion washed up on the shore, from whales to humanoids. The birds themselves are edible, yet oily and foul tasting.
The story of the kairuku’s origins is nothing less than extraordinary. Originally, the kairuku went extinct ages ago, but a flock was well preserved in solid ice till roughly 6 centuries ago. They were then discovered by the kul, who sold them to the squawks. The squawks treated them like treasure and they were put on display (still frozen in blocks of ice). Eventually, one of the frozen birds was stolen by some qulari rogues, sold to their own kin, and later thawed and resurrected. Everyone was so pleased with the creature that emerged that eventually the entire flock was brought back to life and allowed to multiply.
Kairuku are easily domesticated and squawks frequently use them as mounts above and below the waves. A tamed kairuku is utterly loyal to its allies, yet still retains the troublesome habit of pilfering items from those around it.
Whale Bear Whale Bear 600gp (non-combat), 2,000gp (combat) Although whale bears, also known as qulari akhluts, appear similar to standard akhluts (PATHFINDER BESTIARY 3), they are non-magical, and likely not related, having evolved on entirely different poles. Regardless, there are many similarities, including a wolf-like body, the uncanny ability to see through blizzards, and an extremely savage bite. When the two do interact, the weaker whale bear inevitably becomes submissive to its magical look-alike, and may even fight on its behalf.
The qulari were the first to domesticate these beasts, and they are often used as mounts and war-beasts. Unfortunately, their propensity for occasionally turning on and devouring their masters could never entirely be bred out from their stock. Many consider this trait to be worth the risk, regardless.
When the thanors (north pole natives) discovered the qulari (who are native to the south pole), many traded their giant polar bear mounts for these fierce animals, importing a substantial population to the Arctic circle. Now, roving packs of whale bears are quite common in there and even outnumber the indigenous akhlut. The thanor are slightly more successful at akhlut domestication, perhaps because it is impossible for a whale bear to swallow an adult thanor whole.
Guardian Stag Guardian Stag 500gp (non-combat), 1,000gp (combat) Noble animals, guardian stags are so named because they take it upon themselves to protect their woodland homes against all threats, within and without. These scarce creatures are born from regular deer; no one is certain
how or why they obtain their superior abilities. Are they touched by magic? The Gods? Or do they merely evolve to fill a need identified by nature itself? Regardless of how they come to be, these majestic creatures are
far more intelligent and powerful than a typical beast.
Guardians of the forest, such stags are large and strong enough to be ridden, possessing speed, surefootedness in the woods, and incredible stamina. Normally free-ranging and wary of allowing people near it, circumstances exist under which a guardian stag allows itself to be ridden. All such situations involve the woodlands they protect being under dire and immediate
threat. At such times, a guardian stag may seek out someone who likewise seeks to defend the forests to offer themselves as a mount and go into battle together.
Elven champions may be seen astride guardian stags during these times of need, but woodsmen and even dryads have also received this (temporary) gift.
Barding armor for a guardian stag costs roughly 30% more than that for a horse.
Grey Auroch Grey Auroch 400gp (non-combat), 800gp (combat) The Grey Auroch is a majestic and formidable steed, revered in the realms of fantasy for its strength and resilience. Standing at an impressive height, this ridable ox boasts a muscular build covered in a sleek, silvery-grey coat that shimmers under the moonlight. Its eyes, a deep, mystical blue, seem to hold ancient wisdom and a touch of magic. The Grey Auroch’s horns are not only a symbol of its power but also serve as conduits for the elemental energies it can harness.
In addition to its physical prowess, the Grey Auroch possesses a gentle and loyal nature, making it a beloved companion for adventurers and warriors alike. Its endurance is unmatched, capable of traversing vast distances without tiring, and its keen senses alert its rider to any impending danger. The bond between a Grey Auroch and its rider is one of mutual respect and trust, forged through shared trials and triumphs. Whether charging into battle or embarking on a long journey, the Grey Auroch stands as a steadfast and noble ally, embodying the spirit of the wild and the magic of the fantastical world it inhabits.
Thunder Lizard Thunder Lizard 750gp (non-combat), 1,250gp (combat) Thunder lizards are named for how their loose scales slap together as they move, creating a sharp crack or snapping sound. This sound gets louder the faster the lizard travels until, at a full charge, their sound resembles
a series of thunderclaps.
Most often found in hilled areas occupied by orcs and goblins (the latter being their favorite food), these deadly predators have voracious appetites. Despite
their size, thunder lizards are surprisingly fast—they must be to catch their prey, given how their scales give them away while hunting.
These creatures are much sought as battle mounts. Their unique sound, coupled with their strength, aggressiveness, deadly bite, and claws make them ideal for riding into the midst of battle. Despite their already-thick skin, their strength allows them to be further fortified by adding barding armor (at double the usual costs.)
Dreadstrider Dreadstrider 1,000gp (non-combat), 2,000gp (combat) Most people see death as an ending, but that is not always the case. It is also an energy. Sometimes, when a horse survives its rider on the battlefield, the beast lingers and absorbs some of this energy. If the steed later sires or gives birth to offspring, this energy may be passed on, and a dreadstrider may be born. There are also tales of mares giving birth directly on battlefields, resulting in dreadstriders of even greater power and ability.
Just to look at its gaunt frame, articulated feet, fangs, and blackened eyes, one can tell these steeds have been touched by death. A dark aura of death continually surrounds them, a signal to other animals to stay clear and ensuring only those possessing a stout heart may ride them. Despite their ties to death, a dreadstrider’s personality and capacity for loyalty are much the same as that of any other horse. A dreadstrider’s usual diet resembles that of any other horse, but they favor carrion as a treat.
Mad Unicorn Mad Unicorn 3,000gp (non-combat), 6,000gp (combat) Rarer even than standard unicorns, no one truly knows how so-called “mad unicorns” came to be the twisted creatures they are. Regardless of how these beasts became tainted with Madness, the influence on each newly born unicorn is undeniable. Every mad unicorn is touched in its own way, including a unique appearance that sets it apart from the rest of its kind. All are unusually (even garishly) colored, for example. Others have hands instead of hooves, brambles instead of a mane, leaves instead of a coat of hair, and so on. These oddities are all cosmetic and are secondary to the mutations that truly set mad unicorns apart from their regular kin.
As dangerous as mad unicorns are to be around, some daring (or insane) individuals are known to seek them out. The beasts’ powers make them valuable as possessions to be shown off or as mounts for those with the courage to attempt riding them.
Note: You can click on the picture of each mount to see a bigger picture.