With less than 48 hours remaining before Elyndra's werespider transformation would become permanent, the Feinting GOATs gathered in Danger Cove to prepare for their most urgent mission yet. The party pooled their resources to purchase a ring of protection for Korloth, recognizing that strengthening one member of their team benefited them all. Then, with supplies secured, they began their perilous journey deep into the Underdark to reach the mystical Candle Keep. The expedition proper began with the introduction of two crucial guides: Lenti, a Fungomancer Shruman who could track a special fungal trail leading to their destination, and Baalegos, a taciturn drow ranger who would escort them through Midnight Consortium territory to the edge of Derro lands.
Their first challenge came in the Derro mining outpost, where they encountered the thoroughly insane Pikowaat, an elderly Derro who carried on conversations with "Jay-Kup" - his brother's skull that he believed was still alive. Though initially peaceful, the situation quickly deteriorated when they met Groktos, the outpost's leader. The cleric, flanked by three Derro warriors and a cave troll, demanded a sacrifice to his god Cyth-V'sug. During tense negotiations, one of Groktos' axe-wielding subordinates snapped, perhaps from boredom or simply madness, triggering a fierce battle. The party emerged victorious, dramatically disposing of the troll by throwing it from a cliff. Taking a suicidal derro bard hostage proved crucial for navigating the remainder of the mine before descending deeper via an ancient elevator that required considerable engineering expertise to operate.
The next zone presented the magma bridge, where the party's greed nearly proved costly when an apparent pile of gold revealed itself as a young mimic, its adhesive body glistening in the volcanic light. After dispatching this deceptive threat, they faced a far greater challenge - crossing a precarious stone bridge that spanned a vast chamber of churning, molten lava. The intense heat made every step treacherous, and what began as a simple crossing, with only a few cat-sized fire beetles scurrying about, erupted into chaos when a massive Fire Otyugh burst from beneath the lava's surface, its tentacles dripping with molten rock. The battle grew increasingly desperate as Korloth's legendary Tridaxe - a trophy from their mission in the Labyrinth Catacombs - slipped from his grasp and plunged into the molten rock, requiring a daring retrieval mission before the magical weapon could be destroyed. Meanwhile, the supposedly harmless fire beetles revealed their opportunistic nature, swarming and harassing injured party members with surprising coordination. Cut-Cut found herself repeatedly in the Otyugh's grasp, its searing tentacles threatening to drag her into the lava, saved only by Korloth's determined efforts to sever the creature's appendages one by one. The chamber filled with the stench of sulfur and burned flesh as the battle raged on, and though they ultimately prevailed, the ordeal left them exhausted enough to require a long rest in a relatively cool side chamber before pressing onward. Their derro hostage, whose noise was potentially danger drawing, was unceremoniously tossed into the lava and disposed of by Korloth.
The roper's domain proved particularly treacherous when Cut-Cut, scouting ahead, fell victim to a ceiling-dwelling roper that had perfectly disguised itself among the cavern's natural formations. The party's horror at finding their companion's paralyzed form suspended 80 feet above was compounded when Adrian's parrot, sent to investigate, also fell prey to the creature. The party adapted quickly, mounting a ranged assault with Elyndra's spells, Adrian's pistol, and Korloth employing his trident-axe as a thrown weapon. When the roper finally fell, quick thinking and selfless action from several party members helped cushion the fall of both Cut-Cut and the parrot.
Pressing onward, the group encountered a treacherous underground river, its dark waters raging through the cavern with frightening force. A weathered wooden bridge, ancient and worn by centuries of moisture, offered their only crossing point. Despite its ominous creaking and swaying, they managed to traverse the rickety structure one by one. On the far side, they discovered a rusted ladder leading up to a grated cover - their unexpected entrance into the washing room of the Dark Ones' stronghold. the party met Sameus, leader of the local Caligni sect guarding the Candle Keep. He revealed their objective - the waters of Aquanimus, the last drop of the Verdant Wellspring, which could cleanse Elyndra of her affliction. However, access would only be granted after completing three trials.
The Chamber of Resonance challenged them with musical harmonies, requiring them to play specific chords using seven shriekers in total darkness. Through careful experimentation and more than a few painful sonic blasts, they discovered the need to create three specific harmonies: a high C major chord, a low C major chord, and a perfect C octave. The eerie music of the mushrooms echoed through the chamber as they worked, guided by Lenti's fungal insights. The Trial of Sacrifice proved even more demanding, forcing each member to surrender their most precious possession into what appeared to be an endless void - from Cut-Cut's cherished Githka weapon to Korloth's shocking choice to sever his own right arm (which he later reattached thanks to his remarkable regenerative abilities). Each sacrifice disappeared into the darkness, only to be returned once the trial was complete, teaching them a powerful lesson about attachment and trust. The Trial of Light presented them with hostile animated shadows that mimicked their every move with malicious intent. The party demonstrated their quick thinking by extinguishing the central bonfire, plunging the chamber into magical darkness that rendered their shadow adversaries powerless.
Finally reaching the Candle Keep itself, the party had to proceed blindfolded and without magical or psionic senses to the pool of Aquanimus. The party used their time wisely, carefully positioning themselves around the pool in strategic locations before Elyndra's transformation. When she did transform into a chimera, their thorough preparation meant she had no opportunity to attack or escape before being submerged in the purifying waters.
With Elyndra cured and whole once more, Sameus guided the weary but triumphant party back through the Underdark to rejoin Baalegos, marking the successful completion of their most time-sensitive mission yet.
Note: The following writings are from the character's perspective and are often private to the character. They are not considered "in-game" knowledge to the other characters, and any in-character reference to this information would be considered meta-gaming.
Dear Master,
Greetings from Danger Cove! We have already returned from the Underdark and are taking a brief respite since we have not yet accepted another mission. With the help of a drow guide who led us as far as a territorial treaty would allow and a shruman who took us the rest of the way, we were able to reach the Candle Keep with only minor difficulty. We attempted to negotiate our way through derro territory, but were forced into combat by some particularly aggressive individuals. After we defeated their leader, the rest allowed us to pass. Deeper in the Underdark, we encountered some foul tentacled creatures – a poison-spewing otyugh dwelling in an open lava flow, and a cunningly-disguised roper, which blended in perfectly with the surrounding stalactites. Are there any techniques for resisting or reducing the effects of paralysis? It is becoming a recurring problem. The Candle Keep was much more hospitable, although the caretakers allowed us entry only into a single section and required us to pass three trials beforehand. In order to purge the lycanthropy, we had to wait for Elyndra to transform and then plunge her into the Waters of Aquanimus. We had ample time to prepare and took up positions around the pool, so even though she transformed into a chimaera, she had no opportunity to attack or escape. It is good to have that problem out of the way. Now Elyndra can focus on her father’s care. We were able to use our credit crystals in Danger Cove, so while we resupplied, I was able to withdraw cash and repay her with interest. I was also able to confirm that my first transfer to the monastery was completed successfully; I’m sure you will put the money to good use. After purchasing a couple of healing potions, I volunteered most of my remaining funds to help Korloth purchase a ring of protection. The party agreed to utilize our group funds as well; after all, protecting one member of the party (or should we call ourselves a herd, if we are GOATs?) helps protect us all. I am not sure where we will go next, but I will continue to write when I can.