The Chronicler's Codex

Welcome, Brave Adventurer of Alluria!

Here ye may track thy progress through the realms of steam and sorcery.

A Cure for Evil - 3,240 XP

The Feinting GOATs raced against time to cure Elyndra's werespider lycanthropy, venturing deep into the Underdark beneath Danger Cove. After purchasing a protective ring for Korloth in town, they set out with two guides: Lenti, a fungus-person who could track a magical trail, and Baalegos, a drow ranger. Their journey took them through increasingly dangerous zones, starting with a Derro mining outpost where they fought past an insane cleric and his cave troll. They then crossed a magma bridge while battling a fire otyugh and swarms of opportunistic fire beetles, followed by a harrowing encounter with a roper that left Cut-Cut temporarily paralyzed. After traversing a treacherous underground river on an ancient wooden bridge, they reached the Dark Ones' stronghold where they faced three trials: creating musical harmonies with shriekers in darkness, sacrificing their most precious possessions (including Korloth's temporarily severed arm), and outsmarting hostile shadow copies of themselves. Finally reaching the Candle Keep, they submerged the transformed Elyndra in the Waters of Aquanimus, successfully curing her condition before making their way back to the surface. Full Synopsis Here.

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